The aims
of the Club are to
encourage the maintenance, running and preservation of Jowett vehicles. To
encourage members with help, technical back-up, spares and companionship;
whether car, commercial, vintage, pre-war, post-war, tractor or stationary
If you wish to join please fill in
joining form
with your cheque by snail mail. Non-UK resident people can use electronic means!
It is worth reading
the rules and constitution to see how well the
club is organised!
Benefits include a comprehensive spares scheme, a
magazine and technical assistance. In the U.K. social and sporting events are
held in various regions.
Many members congregate together for a
social weekend. Next year
the Jowett Annual Weekend in May. You can get a flavour for what happens by looking
here at the one held
in 2000 at Pitlochry
or the Norwich JAW in 2002,
or at York in 2004 or in
Basingstoke in 2005. The
webmaster's pictures of the
Jowett Annual Weekend 2005 are
here. See
what you can be awarded on this web page.
Each of the eight regional sections of the UK club
have a program of events. Contact me if you need to meet up with some Jowett
enthusiasts. The
North-West Section can
be found here.
Picture copyright
and reproduced by kind permission of
Jonathan Satchell. for all your