This help guide has these main parts.
1. This section which introduces the two websites
2. The facilities offered.
3. Links to other sites
4. Common tasks and tips on how to do them
5. A beginner's guide in three chapters.
It is a good idea to put the browser into full screen mode which is F11 on Internet Explorer.
You should not need active content or scripting enabled to enjoy this site, although some features, such as slideshows, do require relaxation of the security settings.
Click the Requests button in the left panel to contact voluntary club officers. If you have any suggestions for improving this site, or you want to obtain permission to use copyright material or would like a high resolution image, please contact the webmaster.
Please go to the contacts page or use the private messaging service or secure email service on JowettTalk, if you want to contact members of the club.
You must register on JowettTalk to communicate with people interested in Jowetts. See 4.2 below on how to register. Please use your name rather than pseudonym when registering. Having submitted all your details, and once you have responded to the email sent by the administrator confirming acceptance of registration, you can sign on and use JowettTalk. This process is necessary to prevent non-Jowett related communication. You do not have to be a member of a Jowett affiliated club to use JowettTalk to communicate with others interested in the marque but some of the images that are in the club archives and some discussions may not be accessible unless you are a member.
Is a website built up since the early 1990’s until 2006 with articles and pictures from Jowett owner’s worldwide.
JowettNet can be searched here. JowettNet articles are available directly on this site.
Use the navigation buttons at the bottom and top of each page to find your way around this pre-2006 site.
A new JowettTalk forum was launched in 2006 to improve conversation between those interested in Jowetts. It has lively debate on technical and other issues, answers questions both technical and historical and lets you know what is going on in all the club sections across the world. JowettTalk has its own search facility. The previous JowettTalk is here; use the search facility on there to search for pre-2006 JowettTalk conversations. There is extensive help in the FAQ on the forum and links to extra help below on this page.
JowettGallery was launched in 2007 to gather knowledge about Jowetts into a library. Car club members from any of the affiliated clubs can search technical and historical articles as well as have their own personal albums to share with other members. The JowettGallery has its own search facility. You must be a paid up member of one of the affiliated Jowett clubs to use this facility. Please see 4.2 below and follow instructions on the JowettGallery main page, if you would like to register. This is a separate registration from JowettTalk; but you can use the same user name and password. There is extensive help in the "Help" album on the Gallery and links to extra help below on this page.
A growing range of on-line services including event booking and club membership detail checking, Please see 4.2 and 4.5 below for links on how to use these services.
Jowett Car Club Ltd. See JowettTalk for latest.
Jowett Car Club New Zealand Inc. See JowettTalk for latest.
Jowett Car Club of Australia Inc. See JowettTalk for latest.
Edmund Nankivell’s Jupiter website
North American Jowett Register. See JowettTalk for latest.
1. Finding things on and Layout and menus. Have you navigated around the sites to see what is there?
The owner's manual below and the presentation may help with this..
2. Registered and logged on to JowettTalk, JowettGallery and JowettInternetServices. Have you done all three of these?
JowettTalk Tips
Introduction to JowettInternetServices
Registering for JowettInternetServices
3. Posted on JowettTalk with an attached image or document, Have you done this?
JowettTalk Tips
4. Added a personal sub-album, image and document to JowettGallery. Have you done these?
JowettGallery Tip
JowettGallery Tip 2
Gallery Manual on adding items................(Note that not all these facilities are available on JowettGallery.)
Please try to contribute to the Legacy project by putting things of interest in the Legacy Albums. If you want to volunteer as a curator or helper for the project ......
5. JCC members. Have you checked your details on file in JowettInternetServices?
Introduction to JowettInternetServices
.......... Note this system checks you are a current member of the club before allowing access to club records, but you can still register and use the services if you are a member of another club or the general public.
6. Linked JowettGallery items to a JowettTalk post, embedded a JowettGallery image into a post, and linked to a pdf or Word document in a post. Have you done this?
Tip on how to do it.
7. Sent and received a private message via JowettTalk.
Forum frequently asked questions.
8. Sent and received an email via JowettTalk.
Forum frequently asked questions.
9. Posted a comment on JowettGallery item.
JowettGallery Tip
10. Set up poll and voted on a poll in JowettTalk.
Forum frequently asked questions.
11. Updated your profile in the 'User Control Panel' of JowettTalk and 'Your Account' in JowettGallery. Here you can set preferences such as the reading order as well as updating your email address.
Forum frequently asked questions.
12. Used Gallery Remote to resize pictures before uploading.
JowettGallery Tip
13. Used ReGalAndroid on an Android based phone.
JowettGallery Tip
14. Used a MAC or iPhone with JowettTalk or JowettGallery
JowettGallery Tip
15. Anything else not related to any of the above.
If you have any issues doing any of this then please let the webmaster or forumadmin know via either the contacts page or use the private messaging service or secure email on JowettTalk.
Please use the category numbers (1-15) to identify the area of the issue and explain the issue as lucidly as you can.
Back in the 1920’s Jowetts introduced motoring to a whole new cross section of people. Whilst reading the Owner’s Manuals of the twenties you realise that knowing how cars worked was necessary to get you to where you wanted to be. There were a lot of new terms needed to introduce cars to an essentially agricultural audience.
These series of articles bring the mobility of the internet to the masses of Jowett owners. Just go to your library, Internet café or steal a few computer cycles off your grandchild. It really is as easy as using a telephone.
The internet is just a way of connecting lots of devices together across the world. I could have a video camera in my garage connected to the internet. If I knew its number on the Internet, I could see what was happening in my garage at home from anywhere in the world. I just need a screen and a keyboard also connected to the Internet. The screen will have a “browser” that displays what is going on. This browser usually has a white box labelled “address” which is where you enter the number you wish to “dial”. has a number on the Internet (called an Internet Protocol (IP) address). At the moment this is so that you can “ring” using this number. If you had an internet telephone you could dial that number and it would connect to the phone. The IP address is not that easy to remember and it may change so it is easier and more accurate to use the Domain Name ( or if you want These are actually two distinct addresses and could connect you to two different places; but they do not at the moment. You are best to use the shortened version; unless it does not work when you may get a “page not found error”. This really should never happen; but it is good to know what happens if it does. Jowetts never break down; they are just resting!
If you type rather than, your browser has to call “directory enquiries” to find out the number of It does this by asking a special server called a DOMAIN NAME SERVER (DNS); of which there are millions on the Internet.
So all you need to do to find is type into the browser’s address box and hit “Enter” or “Return”. You can use upper and/or lower case when typing a domain name. can do lots of things. Next month we will see how to browse through all the WEBPAGES on and view all its component parts. This will be followed by some operational procedures for getting the best out of your
There are different makes and versions of browsers in use. This series is aimed mainly at Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6; but you should have no difficulty with others; unless you are trying to do it using your mobile phone!
Last month we found by typing into the browser’s address window. This took you to the HOME PAGE of
The website has many parts. You can use these parts by adding an extension to the address; like dialling an extension to a company telephone exchange.
Typing will take you to JowettTalk, the Jowett Car Club’s discussion forum, where you can communicate with anybody interested in Jowetts, either publicly, so that everybody can see what you said, or privately, if you just want to talk with one or more members. Strictly speaking you should prefix the address with the protocol to be used to create the UNIVERSAL RESOURCE LOCATOR (URL) The HYPERTEXT TRANSFER PROTOCOL (HTTP) is the “language” used for your browser to talk to the website over the Internet. There are other protocols such as the FILE TRANSFER PROTOCOL that you can use to send files to
The Internet grew into the WORLD WIDE WEB (WWW) because any page on a website can use part of any other page accessible via the Internet. The browser page can also redirect or link the browser to that new page using the URL. Webpages are usually written in a language called HYPERTEXT MARKUP LANGUAGE (HTML). The instructions in this language tell the browser what to do.
Most web pages display these hypertext links differently from normal text, perhaps with an underline or different colour, or with an ICON that signifies what the link does. You can use the “Tab” key to navigate to each hypertext link sequentially or use your mouse and click or double click on the hypertext link HOT SPOT.
Try this on the home page. Hover over the Search icon in the top left corner. You can see the URL, to which the browser will try to link, displayed at the bottom of your browser. Click on the icon and the browser opens the search page. You can go back to the previous page by clicking on the Back arrow icon (green top left on IE6).
There are different makes and versions of browsers in use. This series is aimed mainly at Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 6; but you should have no difficulty with others; unless you are trying to do it using your mobile phone!
Last month we learnt how to navigate around by selecting hypertext links and using the browser toolbar.
The website pages have links so that you can
send requests by email using the
Requests button.
. But why not use JowettTalk to chat about Jowetts. Just click on the icon on
It is best to use your name as you will find you get to know each other over the WEB, unless you have some reason to remain anonymous.
Then agree the terms of use by clicking the appropriate line. Note Forumadmin, the moderator, can stop, delete and block users.
Then you need to choose a name and memorable password. (I suggest at least six characters long using numbers and letters). If you forget the system will respond by email.
The email address is used by the JowettTalk for sending mails; but you can choose not to publish this to others. I am fairly happy that the email address store is not available to SPAM capturing tools, so you should be safe.
You can add the other info if you want as this makes the site more friendly. Note I have added my Skype Internet Phone name as the Signature so that we can all chat for free in a real natter.
Please add an AVATAR of your car if you can. If you think this will stretch your computer skills, just click the 'submit' button.
I know, what the hell is an AVATAR! Why not ask Jeeves or
You can add an avatar to your profile later. I have added a picture of my Jup in
the Sahara Desert bombing through an oasis called Tasla.
To do this, put a digitised picture of your car into your computer and then use
Microsoft Paint or some other tool to reduce its size to 80 pixels by 80 pixels.
Look at Image, Attributes (ctrlKey+E) to find its pixel size.
If it is not the right size, use Image, Stretch/Skew and reduce the size by the desired percentage.
Then in your Forum Profile, browse for the file in the box under AVATAR.
Having submitted all your details you can sign on and use JowettTalk once you have responded to the email sent by the administrator confirming acceptance of registration.