Spares are only available to club members who should preferably contact the voluntary service provided by club members for the benefit of club members using the email
If you have some Jowett spares that may be useful to others then please contact the spares by email jowettcarspares'at' (Note 'at' should be replaced with @ )
The spares phone line +44 7990 106 374 is manned from 19.00hrs to 21.00hrs GMT or BST on some Monday evenings (usually the 1st and 3rd Monday of a month), except Bank Holidays.
Most club officers can be contacted by email but to initially contact them you should use the form below. We have switched to this method to reduce the amount of spam being received by our officers. Your message will then be redirected to the appropriate officer. Please put in your message the role of the officer you wish to contact otherwise the message will be redirected based on the content of your message. If the officer does not respond in the timeframe you desire, please contact the webmaster or inform the secretary by post.
Alternatively please register on the forum JowettTalk and then (when your account is activated) log on to JowettTalk and communicate through the JowettTalk Private Messaging or the JowettTalk email facility.
Posting a topic on Jowetttalk is the best way to ask questions about Jowetts.
Choose the most appropriate officer from the list below.
If you do not get an answer please inform the webmaster'at' who will investigate.
Spares Can only be supplied to members!
Shop For regalia and books and pamphlets.
Competition Motorsport related
Junior Jowett Junior Coordinator
Press History and press related.
Filmarchivist Film Archivist , if you have any film or video of Jowetts.
Editor with Copy for the magazine.
Stationary Registrar for static engines used for pumps and electrical generation.
International for non-UK
Members may choose the section with which they would like to associate themselves. Normally this is the geographical region within which they live.
Light Green = Scotland and Northern Ireland,
Red = North East,
Purple = North West
Yellow = North,
Dark Green = Midland,
Brown = East Anglia
Dark Blue = Severnside,
Light Blue = South,
Pink = South West
Orange = Overseas Europe,
Not Shown = Overseas non-Europe
The Dark orange pins are due to a programming anomaly !
You can use this form to contact the Jowett Car Club, so if you know with whom you wish to communicate please say their name, section and office held. We will endeavour to put you in touch with a relevant officer, if you do not, but please give your location and car details, if appropriate.
You may like to look at this page first as it has information on each regional club, and has links to each regional website. There you will find links that enable you to contact club officers directly.
Email: Please use the form to send an email.
Address: Bradford, England