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Waiting for Duncan, Harwich.

Jim, set and match

Water everywhere but too salty for Angus' car

Poul Bertelsen in Vejle


Hotel Gudenåen on the first night Eskov museum, Javelin in for repair


It just fell out! Ib's garage


Ole Sommer

Cheap cars, Sommer bodied article. You can read it on the fullsize photo!

The tour start.

Carlsberg, Ford in dock, Beg a wave

  Golf Club Helsingborg


Nikoli Eifel and Jim in a bed of roses

The Bells, Copenhagen variety

LHD gear change.

Sommer Jupiter. A deprived McAuley.


Danish Technical MuseumSuspension Automatic drive

Sommer Bradford


Flat Ford Geoff inspecting my nuts,

BBQ in Car Club,  Palace at midnight

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