Jowett Car Club Application Form This form should be used when joining the Jowett Car Club for the first time or after a lapse of membership. It may also be used for renewal if you have lost the renewal form. If you want to save trees you could cut to a word processor. This frame should print 3 pages. UK Members Please circle which class of membership you are applying for: Full Single £24.00 Full Joint £26.00 Associate Single £19.00 Associate Joint £21.00 Junior Membership £5.00 Please print and send with a cheque by snail mail. Please complete it accurately, legibly and in full. Cheques should be made payable to Jowett Car Club and sent with this completed form to our Treasurer:- Sheila Rigg, 52 Stratford Street, Coventry,CV2 4NJ, United Kingdom. Membership Categories: Joint membership entitles you and your spouse / partner to vote at the club’s AGM and to enter competition. Associate membership is for people who do not own a Jowett. Junior membership is available to all under the age of 17. You must have full membership to be able to purchase spares from the Club. If the full membership fee is received from a new member joining after 31st August, membership continues until December 31st of the following year. If you join between May 1st and August 31st, you pay half the normal subscription. Overseas Members unfortunately have to pay more because of postage costs. Please circle which class of membership you are applying for: Full Single £29.00 Full Joint £31.00 Associate Single £24.00 Associate Joint £26.00 Overseas applicants, kindly send a cheque drawn on a UK Bank in £ sterling and showing a UK Bank sort code to the treasurer whose address is above or you may email the completed form to internationalsectionsec@jowett.org and use the credit card payment service (which saves you bank charges), details of which will be emailed by return. DATA PROTECTION. The data you provide will be stored on computers for use by the club in administration, spares provision and for producing membership lists. Names and email addresses will also be available on the club web site and may be used for access control to the site. Information about the Jowett cars you own or have owned may also be stored. By providing the information you are giving your consent for such use. I confirm I give my consent for the Jowett Car Club to store the information I provide electronically and that I will not distribute information on other members to non-members without authorisation from the club executive. Please sign here.. Title Surname First Name(s) Spouse/Partner’s name (If applying for joint membership)
Address Telephone E.mail The Club is divided into geographical sections. Please circle the one to which you wish to belong: East Anglian Midlands North East NorthWest Northern Scottish Severnside Southern SouthWest Overseas (Members from overseas regrettably have to pay extra) There is also a first aid scheme that members use when needing assistance. You can indicate if you are willing to provide such assistance. Please circle those that apply. I have spares for (pre-war) (Bradford) (Javelin) (Jupiter). I can tow for a short distance. I can do minor repairs. I can provide accommodation. I can help restore. I would like help restoring a Jowett. If you are lucky enough to own a Jowett please could you supply the following details. Model Chassis Number Registration Number Colour Current condition Office Use: Date Serial No Amount £ Other information such as body number and body type, crankcase and gearbox numbers, date and place of original registration and original registration and colour, estimated total mileage and mileage you did with it last year are useful. Note that some models do not have all this information available. The registrars devour this information and produce a register annually. They would also like to know details of any Jowetts you or your family have owned in the past. In fact, why not introduce yourself to the club by sending an article to the club editor. editor@jowett.org A great way to make friends! |