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From: Tony Fearn
Fromemail: fearnfamily@btinternet.comnospam
Category: Javelin
Remote Name:
Date: 09 Jun 2005
Time: 00:19:31
Now I really am getting into un-charted waters. Here 'there may be tigers' but only in your tank! My friend John Wilson in NSW OZ has made me a member of the Sydney branch of the Jowett car Club of Australia, and I'm sent a newsletter every month. It's amazing what Jowetteers get up to down under. They're never still. Anyway - to the point. This month's newsletter has an article on the "humble petrol tank" It talks of Bradford, Javelin and Jupiter petrol tanks. What took my eye was that the Javelin tank, and I quote (with due acknowledgement) .."has a sintered bronze filter attached at the point of suction". Having over-heard many a conversation about dodgy petrol supply to the Jav engine, and people changing pumps, considering electric pumps, having the carbs over-hauled etc, etc, I just wondered if the blockage of this filter, and the remedy for it is in the public (JCC) domain. If it is well known, please would some-one respond to this posting and tell me (in the nicest possible way) not to waste my time. If it is not, then I will try to get permission from OZ to write to Hon Ed and send a photocopy of the NSW branch article. An interesting point within the article says that if you run out of petrol in a Bradford or a Javelin, - you have none left! I suppose this also goes for the vintage and pre-war cars.