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From: Anthony Fearn
Fromemail: fearnfamily@btinternet.comnospam
Category: Pre War
Remote Name:
Date: 19 May 2005
Time: 00:41:09
I am having a problem with feathering of the treads on both almost new front tyres on 'Mary Ellen' my 1934 Short Saloon. I have spoken with Ian Priestley our Pre-war Registrar and he has confirmed what I had already read somewhere, that the toe-in should be in the range zero (i.e. parallel)or up to 1/8th of an inch. He also said that the toe-in can be measured when the car is jacked-up by the front axle. I have no previous experience of setting the toe-in, and do not dispute for a minute what Ian has told me, but if there is anything else I should look out for before I attempt it, I would be grateful if it could be posted. I expect to bring the car to Basingstoke for the NJW. See you there? Tony Fearn