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From: Philip Dingle
Fromemail: Pdingle@comcast.net
Category: Technical
Remote Name:
Date: 15 Oct 2003
Time: 01:24:46
Do you have access to the (1950) Maintenance Manual for the Javelin? Page 14 indicates that with the tappets dry (empty of oil) and fully compressed, the push rod adjustment should be made to give a clearance of .060" to .090" (1.5 mm) with tappet on cam base circle. At cranking, the spring takes up the clearance until oil pressure is available.
For the exhaust to be glowing red hot under no load conditions, if related to the tappet then perhaps the exhaust valve is being held off it's seat. Likewise, too small a clearance may be holding the inlet valve off it's seat, causing the carb spitting. It may however be related to some other maladjustment of the carburettor or ignition timing.