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From: keith c
Fromemail: keith@jowett.net
Category: Technical
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Jul 2003
Time: 10:44:34
Seems as though the jury is out. Apart from the high tech CuproBraze article I reckon ally is 30% better than the average steel core . The open weave of the old copper core is certainly less efficient than the close weave of the modern core especially if the air flow is powered by a well cowled fan.
One think to watch is the size of the header tank as an expansion bottle might be needed with a small one.
I alwys put the overflow into a bottle anyway to catch the precious fluid. Interexting pont on coolants in the discussion . I will look to see if the ones I use are phosphate nitrate, low-silicate and amine free. These coolants are actually corrosive themselves - the idea is that they coat all aluminum parts with a thin layer of aluminiumoxide and so create a stable environment where no further corrosion takes place - and so a lifetime coolant is born that does not create a waste problem as long as the car is onthe road. Note the last phrase, if you leave it in the garage it will corode!