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Ex-employees' Meet at Bradford Industrial Museum

From: Tony Fearn
Fromemail: fearnfamily@btinternet.comnospam
Category: Social
Remote Name:
Date: 03 Aug 2005
Time: 00:57:24


Just a reminder that this event is taking place and has been widely advertised in the Jowetteer. Ian Priestley seems to be the prime mover and if you haven't already decided what to do over the weekend of 20/21 August, then come up to Yorkshire. (It's just to the right of Lancashire on the map so you should be able to find it, but beware they talk a bit funny!). Saturday is the day it's all happening. It'll be a right good do, and many club members and their cars will be present. We've even had 'Rust in Peace' visiting. Ian's phone number is on the inside front cover of any Jowetteer mag. Na then GG, will you be coming?? Regards Tony Fearn

Last changed: November 19, 2008