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Jupiter carbs

From: Andrew Henshall
Category: Jupiter
Remote Name:
Date: 10 Nov 2001
Time: 12:08:06


Dear Keith,

Thanks for your reply. Somehow you have missed one of my previous e-mails where I said we have a mint copy of the Jowett Javelin/Jupiter Maintenance Manual, and so we already have the three pages of information you have scanned and sent us.

We have already located four Zenith 30VM5 carburettors (as per 1948 28hp Austin truck), and had two of them rebuilt to Jupiter specifications, with new throttle shafts & butterflies, re-jetted, etc to original specs, new needles & seats, water-blasted bodies, revised choke levers to obtain L & R hands, new gaskets, etc. We also purchased new old stock AC twin aircleaner assemblies to convert our car to the later configuration instead of its current single Vokes type air filter housing. I understand most UK Jupiters had this conversion years ago!

We are only missing the small format Jupiter only handbook/owners manual (which I am told has an orange cover) which provides general information on the Jupiter. Do you have one of these books?

Andrew Henshall E1SA 433R 37 High Ridge Drive Clifton Springs VIC 3222 Australia

Last changed: November 19, 2008